Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to the Family!

This was me, April 11, 2011 in Gardner Village where we were celebrating Lemur's birthday almost a whole month before my due date...

Pretty gorgeous, though, right?

May 2, 2011:  I check in to Labor & Delivery at 7am, for a planned 9am C-section. 
 I had a fantastic nurse who checked me in and gathered my medical history.  When I got to the  part where I was whisked to the ER just hours after being discharged (after Lemur was born). She stopped me:
"Was this like 8 years ago?!" 
 "Yes..." I answered, "Why?"
"I was the nurse!  I remember you!"
As it turned out, this was the nurse who cared enough to notice danger signs and took the steps that saved my life when my doctors had simply said, "It'll go away."  She even told me that the ER called up after taking care of me and let her know that she had well saved my life. 
It was wonderful to get the chance to thank her. 
Finally: it was time for baby to be born. 
Muad'Dib and I were taken into the OR, and the docs were playing a Susan Boyle CD as I received my epidural from the same doc who had done my last one.  He remembered us for two reasons: 
1) Muad'Dib's camera; apparently they'd had a conversation about it the last time... and
2) "It's not every woman that giggles during an epidural." 

Well, I didn't giggle this time! Anyway,

My wonderful Doc and his assistant set to work and in no time at all, I heard an exclamation:
"How big IS this kid?!"

The answer?
This picture does not lie: 
10lbs 13 oz.  21.5 inches long.

Opening his eyes just 10 minutes old...

Proud Papa in Recovery.

Rivulet wasn't too keen on time in the hospital.  Lemur took to it just fine:  he was so excited to see his new brother. Rivulet was more concerned about me.  She showed almost no interest in the baby until well after we got home. 

Now a family of five!!!

So:  Here is the Brogurt at home.  Note the cute bassinet and monkey from Aunt Kira, the constant friendship of his very own N+ doll, and the awesome blanket from Aunt Taunya.  When she gave it to us for Lemur's birth I wondered what I would use it for, as it was too thin for a quilt but too big for a receiving blanket...turns out it is the ONLY blanket thin and big enough to swaddle our 11lb bundle of love!  Thanks, T.  :)

It's been three weeks since this handsome boy joined our family.  What have we been up to?  The following pictures sum it up quite nicely. 

We have been well taken care of.  Not only did Muad'Dib exhibit super-human, super-husband, super-father powers in taking care of house, kids, cars and wife, but our ward fed us and came bearing gifts nearly every day.  We had neighbors take our kids for playdates and family members come sit with me while I rode the crazy post-partum roller coaster (known as "The Panic"). 

It was the right time.  I cannot put in to adequate words how incredible this experience has been so far; for all of us.  We all love Brogurt, and he seems to like each of us right back.  He could hold his head up within the first few hours of life, and sleeps/eats at regular intervals. 

As I continue to wait out the crazies (though they are already diminishing), I take comfort in knowing that every moment of every day with my new baby is an answer to prayer.  

Thank you to everyone who has helped us, given us support or gifts, offered prayers, or used your good judgement to keep your germs from us for a short time.  I feel your love in all its forms.  We'll keep you posted! 


Jenny said...

Love it. He's so cute and so big! I thought my little guy was big and yours beats his weight by two pounds! Hope your recovery goes well. Thank heavens for good husbands and family huh. Once you're feeling well and out of the quarantine stage let's play :)

Julie said...

Congratulations! So excited for your family and he is beautiful!! What is his name? Love and miss you guys!

WildBound said...

Ah.....I sure love you guys. Way to go, N Clan.