Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Of Slinkies and Baby Jewelry . . .

To Do: August 29, 2007 1. Vaccume. scratch that. Litter the floor with toys.

2. Vaccum the couch. "We don't think so, Mom." Build Cushy hole.

3. Do the Dishes. Or . . . Take pictures of various indoor phenomenon. Such as the above faceless couch jumper, native to the Northeast region of the Congo.

AAAAHHH! A flying Lemur!

Or is it a Gholem?
Rivulet testing her legs. Soon she'll be walking. Yikes. Just another animal in the zoo I call home.


CowboyBob said...

These are the moments that make parenting worth while. Love it.

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Nice shots! I love the leaping Lemur. Scary that soon you'll have a river running through your house while a lemur leaps from the furniture.


Bethany said...

Ah, there are only so many couch jumping day's in a person's life. It's nice to catch them on film forever. Riv walking soon?

DreamPacker said...

Ahhhh. Such precious moments. Keep them coming. Love it.

DreamPacker said...

And you write so cleverly. Hope there's a book in the works some day.

Wildcard said...


Muad'Dib said...

That crouching one is like...what? Lord of the Flies preschool?

Desertbound said...

This he says about his own offspring...
More like a Lord of the Rings pre-school. Pre-pubescent Golem.