Wednesday, September 12, 2007

TAKE NOTE! ---->

Please note the video additions to the side bar of my blog. The one labled "this is insanity!" does not bear false witness. It is my brother (in a blond wig-thing) and a friend of his lipsinc-ing to "Suddenly", my favorite parts are at the end, like when I get to hear him laugh. I miss my brother.
The one labled "My brother in China" is just that. An Asian took a video of my brother's show in the Venetian and posted it on YouTube. THANK YOU, STRANGER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EARTH!! So, CountryHopper is the man with the goatee (if you can't recognize him from the other pictures I've posted then boo on you) who is normally in the center. He says the sound doesn't do it justice, and I believe him, but it's still neat to see what he's up to over there.

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