I enjoyed reading the memories of Judy and Teisha of the past year. So here are a few of the things I recall . . .
Liam taking care of me while I was sick.
Hearing his little voice say, "Mommy, lay down."
Judy taking care of me when I had migraine headaches.
Bob taking care of me when I had migraine headaches.
Ariane taking me to the hospital, stroking my hair and telling me everything was going to be okay.
Jeff playing with Liam when I was sick
Caleb making me a delicious dinner and watching "Cinderella Man" together.
Going to Wolf Creek for our anniversary where it was so cold, our electric door froze OPEN. Poor Liam.
Playing Trivial Pursuit with Caleb on my dad’s lap top.
Watching Liam play in the snow while Caleb grilled Salmon.
Finding out that my baby was a girl.
‘Camping’ with our ward in Mantua. Washing Liam because they said the water was contaminated; walking with Kaylee to the country store for some penny candy. Playing Catch Phrase with eight or ten couples from the ward until midnight. Sleeping in the car - at five months pregnant. And it was freezing.
Sitting around the Nelson living room while we all went through some names for the baby. River Afton. Catherine Cait. River Nylie. River Ayn. Laef Canyon - oh wait, that wasn’t me.
Arriving in Steamboat Springs, CO at sunset.
Reading books out loud to Caleb.
The drive to Bethany’s.
Visiting Bethany: delicious food, Trivial Pursuit, the Zoo, the unfinished park in their back yard, taking Liam to Cherry Creek Reservoir where he played fetch wearing only a shirt, a diaper and a hat.
Seeing John’s home-in-construction on our way out of Colorado.
Taking Liam’s picture on the Sinclair dinosaur at Little America.
My uncle Wilford passed away.
Judy’s voice when she called me about Teisha’s accident.
Seeing Teisha in the hospital for the first time.
Caleb making her laugh even though it hurt.
Seeing Teisha in the Wasatch Center for the first time, and the second and the third.
The heat of the summer!
Not being able to leave the house.
Walking to the park with Liam before the day got hot.
Wading our feet in the stream.
Sitting in the green lounge chair at the bottom of the stairs in Bob and Judy’s house because that’s where it was coolest.
Reading the Left Behind series.
Reading the prequels to Dune.
Reading Rebecca again. And loved it again for different reasons.
Seeing the fireworks with Liam and Teisha and Aaron in a big field.
The night we heard fireworks going off in our neighborhood. Although Liam was already in bed, we put some clothes on and I carried him out onto the lawn where we watched two sets of neighbors setting off firework after firework.
Missing the Michaelson and Meyers Family Reunions.
Spending time at Heather and Rob’s. The girls playing with Liam and letting me sleep in Amberle’s cold room. Quincy playing Barbie for me to watch.
Playing Settlers with Michaela.
Playing Bohnanza with Teisha and Aaron at various times throughout the year. Playing Blockus with Teisha, Aaron and Caleb.
The one day that Oakley, Landon, Liam and I ‘played’ Blockus.
The day my daughter was born.
Everyone who stayed around the hospital for varying times during the sixteen hours that I waited to have the C-Section.
Recieving a blessing from Caleb and my Dad.
The doctors playing country music during the surgery. Laughing through the whole thing.
The first time I heard her cry.
The first time I held her.
The first time I saw Caleb holding her. He was enamored.
The first time each member of the family met her.
The first rain storm after she was born.
Ariane holding her for three hours while we talked.
The first visit from my Dad in the hosptial.
Deciding on the name River Grace Nelson.
The first time Liam saw her and was so confused that the baby wasn’t in my stomach any more.
The first time I walked after her birth.
The first shower after her birth. It was just as great as I remembered.
The drive home with my new daughter in the car. I was looking around at the world thinking, "How can this all be exactly the same as it was three days ago. I have a new child! You all should be celebrating with me!"
Teisha and Aaron moving to Logan.
Comforting my mom when things in her play went awry.
The first time Liam kissed River.
The first time River smiled.
The first time River laughed. At Liam.
The first time each of my Grandmother’s held River.
Caleb in Scarlet Pimpernel.
Calling Bob one night, just because I felt I should, and telling him to rest after he mentioned that his arm hurt.
Hearing about Bob’s heart attack.
Visiting Bob in the hospital.
The night a few weeks later that Bob called so late that I was sure he was in trouble. I rushed up to the house with my kids in tow, and ran up the stairs afraid that something was wrong. There was Bob, laying in bed watching a concert on T.V. I can’t express my relief. I kissed him on the forehead and told him that from now on, he is to leave me a message if I don’t answer.
Having dinner with friends from Scarlet Pimpernel.
Playing cards with Grandma Betty.
Taking pictures for my Mom’s plays.
Writing emails to my brother while he was in New York.
Walking to the park with my kids.
Suddenly being able to cook anything and have it taste delicious!
Reading the last three Dune books.
Caleb getting the regular position at the post office.
Caleb and I watching 24, movies and enjoying eachother’s company.
Thanksgiving with my parents. I didn’t make the turkey, but I was able to give my mom a restful day and did most of the cooking.
Walking with Liam through the lights at Temple Square.
The wonderful Anniversary dinner at Taunya’s.
The first time River sat up.
Making Favorite Potatoes with my Grandma Helen.
Having everyone love my homemade bread!
Christmas festivities at Kira’s.
My first ward choir Christmas program performance. Angels attended. So did my family.
Christmas caroling with the Steven’s family.
Seeing John and Emily for the first time in seven months.
Spraining my ankle Christmas morning and hearing Liam yell, "Mom, I"m coming!" as he jumped from bed and ran to my side. Once there he held my hand and said, "Mom, calm down. Deep breath."
My Aunt Donna passing away. I didn't cry the first day, but couldn't seem to stop crying the few days after that.
Playing SkipBo with my Mom and watching Buffy until midnight New Years Eve.
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