Things I have learned in my first three weeks back at school:
*Snow can represent Irish Patriotism. (as long as I can prove it)
*3+5=5+3= Associative law of Addition
*What I feel when I read a poem or a story has no relevance in New Critisism.
*There is such a thing as 'New Critisism" and it's not new. It 'began' in 1920!
*I like the essay by George Orwell, "Politics and Literature" (I recommend it highly).
*To be 'good' a poem or short story must include Music, Diction, Metaphor, and Compactness.
*An acronym for the above information is MDMC.
Need more to remember it? Try this: My Dear Monkey Child.
*A Wake is more of a party than a funeral.
*Passive voice is a way to avoid responsibility or avoid identifing the responsible party.
*Pied means Multicolored.
*Math is just one big puzzle, if you are in the right mind set.
*I can earn money by taking good notes.
*My brain can process math. (No, I didn't know this before!)
*What the literary community calls the "Best Poem Ever Written" is what I would call "Blah, Blah Blah". (It's actual title is "Canonized".)
*By liking "The Heart of Darkness" I am branded as having a lack of taste.
*By liking Firefly I am branded a Browncoat. That brand I don't mind.
*Superman is symbolic of America. Kryptonite is symbolic of communism.
*Katherine Mansfeild is my kind of writer.
*James Joyce is not.
*An Elephant can represent Great Briton. Or Tyrany. Or Burma. Or anything, really. . .
*I can calculate the number of dots around a line of squares using a simple equation. Now if only i could figure out that simple equation . . .
*I love to write with a pencil.
*Scarves aren't worn primarily to keep one warm about the neck.
*Wearing headphones does not spare you from conversation.
*The Express goes to the Dee Events Center from the LL building.
*The SS building is a cruel joke. I am quite sure there is a man somewhere laughing wickedly while we STILL struggle to find our classrooms on time.
*"A poem should not mean, but BE."
*Alliteration can be found anywhere in the word, not just the first letter.
*Assonance is different than Alliteration. I didn't even know Assocance existed at all!
*If you mulitply any two whole numbers where one is an even number, the product will be an even number.
*Always save your documents. Twice.
*Always do all the research. Count on no one else. If you have done it all for nothing - at least it was done.
*Being "Wound up" is funny in some circles.
*People think I'm smart. And funny. And wonderwoman.
*I respond to words of affermation - even if three weeks ago i didn't know the person and my life doesn't hinge on their approval or disapproval, I love hearing how great I am.
***I love school!
You are wonderful!! One Hundred Times. You are smart and funny and beautiful. One hundred times. And a great mom with wonderful children! Thanks for marrying my son.
Thanks for raising a son worth marrying! I can't tell you what your words mean to me. But I bet you know. thanks for taking the time to tell me.
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