Sunday, January 14, 2007

This is the man we all know and love. This is Caleb Nelson, handsome, regal, contained and mellow as the day is long . . .

But when Caleb and I were on our first date, I expressed that I was having a deja-vu. He turned to me and said, "Was this part of it?" and pulled a hilariously animated face. Some people, when they hear that story, cannot imagine my husband doing such a thing. Now I have the proof. Who was that masked man?!
Hooked on Phonics worked for me!

What is this thing on my head?My precioussssss.

1 comment:

WildBound said...

how fun is that?! It so good to see Caleb letting out the Gholum within...and you and your kids are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing...