Friday, December 12, 2008

THERE! Are you happy now?!

For those of you who have been biting on nails and wondering with growing frustration and angst, "Why hasn't Sayyadina blogged in - like - two months?" (As if anyone was actually thinking that . . . I'm so self centered! ; ))

I am now caught up.

In the space of a few hours I have done at least eight new blogs.

Enjoy reading them as much as I have!


stacy said...

hey, it was good to hear from you has been a while. (i really have no room to speak. i don't think i posted in like forever either.) i was thinking that you and your fam need to come over for dinner here soon. i know it is crazy right now with the boys' work schedules but let me know if some time will work out for you. maybe we can get together and take the kidlets to the lights downtown in ogden. let me know....

Sayyadina said...

Oh how I would love to go and see the lights in Ogden! we even have a ticket from Lemurs school that gets him a free hot chocolate and a ride on the little train!

As for dinner . . . That's a little more in the "yikes" area of planning. I'll call you today.

Canyonsrcool said...

Great jooorrrrb! I am happy now.

Bethany said...

We are always happy to see posts from you.

CowboyBob said...

Your picture you have on your header is priceless.

stacy said...

yeah, the boys would love to would i for that matter. the new scene it is so much fun. we totally need to play. let me know what night works for you and we can plan it. i guess that it really depends of the men in our lives what day would be best. so talk to your hubby and get back to me!

Jenny said...

Good job bloggin months on end in a single sitting! haha, but you're behind again ;)
Cute post about your husband! That little girl of yours couldn't be any cuter in all her pictures too! What a darling princess :)
Hope your holidays were great...and the year so far...